

Physics Outreach Demonstrator

IPPP, Durham


Throughout my time at Durham I have been a keen member of the Outreach Team. I have been involved in countless open days and exhibitions. In 2017 and 2018 I demonstrated the 'Modelling the Invisible' & 'Ghosts in the Universe' exhibitions at the Royal Society in London.

In 2018, we took our exhibition to Orkney Science Festival. Unfortunately, the Plenary Speaker - Nobel Laureate Peter Higgs - was unable to make it. I stepped in with an hour of notice and gave the plenary talk.

My involvement in outreach work has greatly improved my ability to adapt my delivery of information based on the audience. For example, at the Royal Society it was common to have to explain the exhibit to a child of six straight after an adult of sixty.


Social Secretary

University College Middle Common Room


I was Social Secretary of my Durham College (University College) Middle Common Room. This involved organising and running events for the college's diverse postgraduate community. This often involved cooperating with other committees in the college in running joint events.


Science Outreach Demonstrator

CHaOS (Cambridge Hands-On Science)


Cambridge Hands-On Science is a charity that takes science exhibitions to schools and community centres around the UK during the summer months. During the tour we stayed at local campsites, which helped strengthen the sense of community between the demonstrators. I participated in 2013, 2014 and 2016. My enjoyment in demonstrating with CHaOS sparked my decision to join the Outreach Team in Durham.


Young Scout Leader

1st Pinhoe Scout Troop


In completing my Duke of Edinburgh and Queen Scout awards, I volunteered as Young Scout Leader at what had previously been my Scout Troop. The leadership skills I developed in this role helped me later obtain employment at the local sports centre.